Monday, June 14, 2010

Buying your flights through Facebook?

EasyJet wants to be the first airline to enable users to plan and book their flights through Facebook.

They currently have the "Holiday Planner" which allows groups of 3 or more to coordinate, propose a range of budget options and then invite other friends along the trip. Shortly, the new application will allow users to book the flights diretly from the Facebook page. Facebook will keep your credit card details and you will be able to complete the transaction without having to go to the airline webpage. The entire experience would be counducted through the social network.

Facebook and PayPal interated in February, and that was the begining of a shift that is supposed to integrate social media and ecommerce. If companies set up an ecommerce functionality on their Facebook pages, the social network could realistically charge a percentage of those sales in addition to attracting more advertising opportunities. Its a shift that could generate a great amount of revenue to Facebook.

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