Monday, June 14, 2010

The Development of in China, in Chinese means "happy", was originally treated like a Chinese version of Facebook. It has a similar customer interface, simple user friendly system, and user generated content. It allows users to publish diary, photos, and comments, and play games like farm and fishing. Unlike Facebook, people on Kaixin normally only look for friends from their alumni associations, including kindergarten, work environments and family networking. It is an online platform to connect of different offline communities, thus the slogan is “find people who you know”. The engagement and interaction between communities’ members are extremely high. Also, it divides the private and public areas. Users can set up the privacy standards themselves and go to a public forum to look for blogs, news and videos shared by other people.

Kaixin has made a great effort to make this social network interacted closely with people's real life. You can play the Monopoly game with the real stock data. During its development, the most popular function is called “my home”, integrated “home decoration”, “gardening” and “farming”. As more and more people achieved the highest level of those games, Kaixin started to find a decrease in people’s engagement and the time spending to the website. It then moved the focus to enrich the social games to keep users’ vitality, by adding new games, and launching special tasks with limited edition’s rewards.

It is very cautious for the online advertising. Even with very high traffic volume and large customer base, there is no display banners, pop ups or any kinds of direct ads. Many companies and celebrities have set up their Kaixin profiles. It’s a good way to promote their products or work by sending them as rewards of tasks in the games.

In order to keep its popularity, Kaixn has cooperated with third parties to develop creative online games. It is a big challenge for how to keep people’s interest and not get them bored easily.

1 comment:

  1. Although there are other social networking websites in China like RenRen, Kaixin001 is the most popular one among all. The target audience of Kaixin001 is white-collars who are the richest among all the social network users in China, while RenRen is still concentrated on students.

    The user interface of Kaixin001 is simple and easy for first-time users into social network. Minimal advertising makes the interface clean and less commercial.

    Kaixin001 launched the social games craze in China and its users are game-crazy. It attracts tons of white-collars who spend plenty of time on the website.

    However, with little innovation on its website/applications and conservative management style, it risks to lose out in the future.


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