Monday, June 14, 2010

Foursquare launches interactive button on WSJ

The restaurant reviews and cultural sections of the Wall Street Journal's online edition will feature a new button from Foursquare, which will add the venue information into user's favorite list, reported TechCrunch. Along with adding the venue, a comment or review from a WSJ editor will be added to it. The company follows a list of social networking sites which have launched similar "add to" buttons, but is among the first to do this for location based services, particularly with such a well known journal.

Foursquare is launching the feature as test first and will try to gather more partners, however, similar buttons for services such as Twitter, Facebook or Digg are well widespread both to newspapers and blogs now, and are free for users to add to their websites. While this may seem like a trivial feature, the fact is that in most cases, Foursquare users had to be out on the street, near the actual venue to have it show up on their map and be able to add them to their list. Now, this feature connects user's regular web surfing with the mobile service, creating more impression opportunities as it creates more content.

Growingly, autogenerated Foursquare content is appearing as posts in Facebook and Twitter, increasing the interdependability of the services. Perhaps the market will grow enough to accomodate several big players, even after mergers consolidate the current competitors?Foursquare is launching the feature as test first and will try to gather more partners, however, similar buttons for services such as Twitter, Facebook or Digg are well widespread both to newspapers and blogs now, and are free for users to add to their websites. While this may seem like a trivial feature, the fact is that in most cases, Foursquare users had to be out on the street, near the actual venue to have it show up on their map and be able to add them to their list. Now, this feature connects user's regular web surfing with the mobile service, creating more impression opportunities as it creates more content., autogenerated Foursquare content is appearing as posts in Facebook and Twitter, increasing the interdependability of the services. Perhaps the market will grow enough to accomodate several big players, even after mergers consolidate the current competitors?" annotations="" class="__wave_paste">

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