Monday, June 14, 2010

An Immodest Proposal: Take Two...Calling All Single Men!

The other day, I received a message on Facebook entitled "An Immodest Proposal: Part II." A girl whom I had met a few years ago (but never knew very well) had sent out a mass message to, I'm assuming, all of her Facebook "friends." As I began to read, I became more and more surprised: Do people really use Facebook as a means for dating these days? Are specialized dating sites just not good enough?

The message began: "As a result of last year's email, I did in fact find a real romance. And it was truly a year of bliss. Unfortunately, it did not work out. So I am once again calling on you and hoping that this time, I find someone for keeps." I'm assuming that I was not on last year's email list and therefore, she was expanding the audience in Part II. As she goes on to list the "specifics" of what she wants and does not want, I begin to wonder how Facebook is being used by others. Should she stick to sites like and Friendster (as it seems she is looking to meet through friends of friends), or is Facebook simply a platform for 'anything goes' these days?

So...for you single men out there, what she is looking for: "a man enamored by travel and the great outdoors, an ambitious, well-accomplished and curious student of life" and a few other criteria. Contact me if you're interested :)

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