Monday, June 07, 2010

Now presenting...the Apple iOS4!

As expected, Steve Jobs presented the new iOS4 (the new iPhone operating system) today at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in San Jose, California. To be rolled out with the iPhone 4 next month, the new OS has several exciting new features. The added benefit for existing customers? Current iPad, iPhone (3G, 3GS) and iTouch (with 32GB or 64GB storage) users can upload a free software package to take advantage of the new features. I know that I'm excited. Here's a snapshot of a few new features:

-Multitasking: That's right; have apps (such as Pandora) playing in the background while you use other programs in the foreground. The multi-tasking feature is designed to be used "in a way that doesn't hinder performance or battery life," said Steve Jobs.

-Email Facelift: Users will now have the ability to access all accounts from a single integrated inbox. Messages will contain threads, and users will have the ability to open-third party attachments.

-App Organization: Coming from a girl who is organized, this is exciting. Bucket your apps (up to 2160 of them!) into different categories.

Check out some of the other new features here: You're sure to be impressed!

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