Monday, June 14, 2010

Start-up in a weekend?

Internet Week closed with an awesome event: StartUp Weekend. This 54-hour event was dedicated to networking, and providing resources and support to budding entrepreneurs and savvy marketers. The event encouraged community and brisk decision-making in order to convert dreams of a business into reality.. in one weekend!

This year 57 ideas were pitched and 20 teams were formed. A sample of this year's companies included: Libatious: an application that helps beer drinkers track their favorite brews; PeerAround: a Foursquare service that provides information on the people around you (kind of creepy); Deal Over Year: a geo-location based platform that delivers time sensitive deals in the users immediate vicinity; Score.Ly: a gaming add-on aspect to social media; GoGo: teaches Mandarin to children; SpareKeyPlease: leverages your social graph to find out when someone won't be home and you could potentially stay at their house (again, pretty creepy); CoWander: a community of world wanderers; ProphetMargin: helps small businesses increase profitability. More companies can be found on the site.

I plan to attend this event next year... and in the meantime I might hit up the Miami or Puerto Rico events to get some sun while I am at it.. hey, it is all in a weekend.

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