Monday, June 14, 2010

TopGuest: Rewards for Loyalty? Yes, please.

Those who use FourSquare know that (most of) the benefit of badges and mayorships come from digital bragging rights (MAGNUS). Welcome to the digital world, TopGuest. TopGuest threw a cool unveiling party this past weekend to introduce its platform that offers actually discounts for loyalty. While Foursquare and Starbucks are giving mayors $1 off their frappucinos... I would rather have 25% off hotel rooms.

Traditionally, hotels, airlines, and car rental services have utilized customer loyalty programs. I don't know about you, but I never have my numbers or cards readily available and usually forgo the "check in" points at actual locations. TopGuest links to Foursquare, twitter and Facebook, so it will not require much more effort or "check ins" to reap the benefits. I am a fan already.

TopGuest is invitation only, but is currently open to all in light of its recent launch. Sign up to get some loyalty points and then share your deals with your classmates!

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