Monday, June 14, 2010

Tuenti: A world without Facebook?

The meaning of this post is to make people aware that there is competition out ther (although not much) that can stand up to Facebook and actually beat it in its core competency- user traffic. Tuenti is a local Spanish social network that is targeted at the 15 - 25 yr old demographic, which is the one most prone to use a social network in the first place.

Most of its features are similar to those of FB, and its appearance came after Zuckerberg´s site was already established in Spain, but its hip, informal and local feeling has resonated with the target audience. While it seems difficult that the advantage it has over FB in Spain will last (especially due to its lack of complementors and other key FB features) they are sure doing a pretty good job at niche social networking and proving that it is not all done for FB.

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