A blog for students of Professor Kagan's Digital Marketing Strategy course to comment and highlight class topics. From the various channels for marketing on the internet, to SaaS and e-commerce business models, anything related to the class is fair game.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Customizing to Customers
Here is an interesting article on TellApart which was started by to ex-Google engineers. The service helps to take the users cookies and customize their experience based on their preferences. We touched on this some in class. The interesting thing is the parallel they draw between old marketing and new when discussing the fears of privacy. The team argues that using the cookie information is no different than direct marketers keeping tabs on household information for catalog mailings. Somehow, I think it's not exactly the same thing. Here's the full article.http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/06/13/tellapart-raises-money-to-help-online-retailers-advertise/?ref=technology
Please see my blog post about this issue FTC Regulation and Digital Marketing