Monday, June 27, 2011

eReaders vs. tablets marketing

Some new report published today by Pew Internet & American Life Project seems to point that adoption rate for eReaders has just surpassed adoption of tablets, and is probably going to increase more and more as the price for eReaders goes down and the products start offering also basic internet service.

Some numbers? One adult out of 8.3 in the US owns an eReader (doubled compared to 6 months before), while tablets are owned by one adult out of 12.5 (only 3percentage points increase in past 6 months).
Targets are similar: adults, Hispanic adults, college graduates and householders with + $75k income, men more likely than women.

What are the implications? It will be essential for marketers to design and segment their campaigns specifically for eReaders, differentiating them from tablets' ones. eReaders are less complicated to use and internet access is cheaper; moreover, their are more focused on books and therefore offer easier targeting. Specific campaigns will therefore become a must for companies.

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