Sunday, June 12, 2011

Facebook behavior vs. real-world behavior

I ran across a very interesting article this morning; this article discusses how certain social networking behaviors online are perfectly acceptable...when they are done online. Yet, these same behaviors are not acceptable at all when conducted in the real world. In fact, if you try these, you'd come off borderline insane and downright creepy.

I decided to share a few instances here with the class:

1. Someone said something interesting in class - five classmates followed by raising their hands and said "Like". They proceeded to write their comment on the classroom "wall"...WOMP WOMP
2. Walk up to someone in class and asked "Can I be your friend?"
3. Ask a classmate if he/she has a twitter account. If yes, ask if you can "follow" him/her but then literally follow this person around the campus.

Pretty interesting, huh?
You may check out the actual video in this link below:


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