Monday, June 13, 2011

FTC regulations and Digital Marketing

A substantial amount of data collection activity on the internet seems to rely on information placed on consumers device (a cookie).

The Federal Trade Commission has published a report and offered a frame work and also testified on a proposed legislation by congress women Jackie Speier, on allowing consumers greater control on what kind of data is being collected by sites.

From the congress women's site:
"The Do Not Track Me Online Act of 2011 would direct the Federal Trade Commission to develop standards for a “Do Not Track” mechanism that would allow individuals to choose upfront to opt out of the collection, use or sale of their online activities, and require covered entities to respect the consumer’s choice. Failure to do so would be considered an unfair or deceptive act punishable by law. The covered entity would have to disclose its collection and sharing practices, including with whom the information is shared. The bill would allow the FTC to exempt commonly accepted commercial practices like the collection of information for billing purposes..."

There is a lot written about this topic but I have'nt seen any mention of how data collection tools and marketing agencies plan on countering this if it does become a law.

Any thoughts on how to effectively plan to reduce reliance on tools and strategies which are dependant on tracking cookies placed on consumers' devices?

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