Friday, July 22, 2011

Got Milk... I mean discussion?

Once again, an ad has been canceled due to the uprising of people through social media. The California Milk Processor Board introduced a campaign explaining that milk can help reduce the symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). The problem was that they joked on the fact that men suffer from its effects along with women.
Apparently some people found it offensive and the California Milk Processor Board had to cancel the campaign and create a website to apologize to all those that took it personally. The website is called "Got Discussion?":
So this is related to our last class were we talked about the importance of following an ad closely just in case there are any negative repercussions. Marketers have to be more attentive than ever since, as in this case, negative comments are spread very quickly online and can damage greatly the brand. In this case, the marketers acted very quickly, creating this web site and even uploading information on the subject and discussions that took place due to the ad.
So advertisers have a great challenge ahead. It is already hard enough to create an ad, but now they have to create an ad that pleases everyone? That's impossible. If 10 people don't like this ad but brag about it so much that they create great buzz, a campaign has to be canceled when actually most people liked it. I would like to know how many people really cared about this ad and really found it offensive. I understand that in some cases, campaigns can be offensive but after looking at some examples in class I also think people are exaggerated. Anyway, nothing can be done about it since nobody likes bad publicity, so ... good luck advertisers!

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