Sunday, July 24, 2011

Have You had any Real Success on Facebook?

This is more of a personal blog posting: I want to know who in the class has had some business success on Facebook. I'm interning at a big media company this summer and they are struggling to figure out how to use Facebook (they sell eyeballs, nothing physical). So far the best anyone there has come up with is manually re-posting articles on FB fan pages = time consuming and not very profitable. Meanwhile the company we're consulting with for the class has a few thousand fans and DOES sell digital downloads (apps, specifically) but hasn't really figured out how to convert to sales on FB.

So, assuming anyone reads this, take a second and tell us of anything you tried that worked or didn't work to build fans, draw eyeballs, get sales, whatever. I'm personally very skeptical that FB is going to be much of a marketplace. When I look at corporate fan pages they are mostly used for customer service and keeping up with the crazy people who obsess over camping stoves, industrial-strength juicers and driving lawnmowers.

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