Tuesday, July 05, 2011

No More Realtime?

Google has ended its contract with Twitter and closed 'Realtime Search'. The company has disabled the "search" button from the Google Realtime Search and a click on the website leads to an error page.
Three days ago the contract between Google and Twitter, which was signed in October 2009 came to an end. As part of the agreement, Google used Twitter updates of users to create a realtime search, a service which was called 'Realtime'.
In an article in Portfolio from today Nicola Kean views that small businesses might not like this sudden change, especially if they are highly reliant on Google Realtime as a service for reputation management. The Realtime Search was a cheap and effective way for small businesses to check what their customers were saying about them online.
According to various assumptions, Google intends on promoting 'Google +' instead of what they were doing up until now with Twitter. In a statement by the company yesterday they said that "our vision is to include information from Google+ as well as realtime information from various sources". Some say that once the service is back up then it is most likely that Google+ would be the primary updating resource.
Twitter has announced that they are continuing to provide realtime information to Microsoft, Yahoo and others, while with Google "they will continue" working in other methods.

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