Friday, July 08, 2011

Priority Inbox and Facebook Social Inbox

Today the topic of Gmail's priority inbox and Facebook social inbox was discussed in class. I believe that if Facebook's social inbox was able to hit critical mass, it might fundamentally change the way people interact with each other. In another word, this might be the biggest nightmare to online marketers.

Think about this, if people only care about messages from their social network, then would they ever use their regular gmail or yahoo mail account anymore? Can you imagine if a person only needs to access his/her facebook mail and corporate mail everyday, and they only check their gmail account once a week? All those advertisement emails can easily end up in one's spam box or "unimportant" box. Maybe facebook can control what advertisement a person receive and became an almost exclusive marketing outlet? This might be a wild idea but it is not entirely impossible.

Facebook might be on the brink of an internet revolution. I'm just saying....

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