Friday, July 08, 2011

Social Media Helps Sells Tickets

Good news and I guess not completely shocking news...

According to a new report, arts organizations throughout the country that use digital and social media to boost ticket sales or to sell tickets directly via online channels are seeing significant results with regards to an increase ticket sales. 77.5% of respondents to a survey have reported that online efforts and activities should be given the credit. The breakdown is as follows:

  • 42.7% report "some results"
  • 23.7% report "good results"
  • 6.7% report "major results"
  • 4.4% say that digital and social media have become "mission critical" where ticket sales are concerned.
  • Only 7.6% of respondents to date report no results.
I am looking forward to the next few class sessions on social media because I feel this is just the beginning. What more can the arts do with social media? I feel especially drawn to this because in the end for smaller organizations, other nonprofits, not just the arts, these are inexpensive tools that can expand audiences, donors, and other support. Some of the other tools and approaches we are learning in class really capitalize on large, for-profits and are more challenging to relate to these smaller organizations. Thoughts?

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