A blog for students of Professor Kagan's Digital Marketing Strategy course to comment and highlight class topics. From the various channels for marketing on the internet, to SaaS and e-commerce business models, anything related to the class is fair game.
Friday, August 05, 2011
Digital Marketing Starts...When??
Yesterday, a headline from an AdAge blog caught my eye: "25% of Toddlers Have Used a Smart Phone." Not only that, a third of Gen Y moms have toddlers under the age of 2 who have used laptops. As millenials start becoming parents, one would assume that this statistic will only increase. This is pretty shocking, and will have a big impact on society's developmental milestones for children. Additionally, this brings up many questions about the ethics of digital marketing. Brands like General Mills and Kraft have gotten in trouble before for marketing to kids through games on their websites; is it only a matter of time before brands start marketing to babies?
This reminds me of an incident recounted to us by a professor in class. He had visited Disney Studios with his children, and he told us about the extreme marketing that is geared towards children. Disney realised that the customer lifetime value of a girl child is over 4 times as higher as that of a boy child. They felt that one way to further increase those numbers is by increasing the 'lifetime' of customers by marketing to them much earlier. How much earlier? Well, they thought that they could start marketing at OBGYN centers where expectant mothers visit regularly, and market thier products through brochures and such. So your question is a really good one.. And in this case I think Digital marketing starts even before you are born!