Monday, August 01, 2011

Experiments on new Ad types on Twitter

Many articles have been published recently on the power and development of Twitter.
As a matter of fact Twitter's value on the market is continuously increasing but no wander. The advertizing model of Twitter is still in full development and the more they innovate, the better they seem to do.
A recent example comes from Sephora, makeup retailer that is part of luxury giant LVMH. Initially Sephora did not allocate any funds to Twitter in 2011. However an experiment was launched last February and Sephora bought 15 promoted Tweets: basically they launched a contest among customers in which they would give away their products to fans of the popular show Glee. Surprisingly for Sephora the results of the test outperformed projections by 700%.
So the outlook for the future is now completely different and Sephora’s social media director Kathy Choi has been asked to apply additional advertising budget for Twitter for 2011-12.
Further innovations are yet to come and Twitter will launched later this year a self-advertising system and is also developing several other advertising products. Will this be the real receipt of a sustainable double digit growth?

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