Check out this article on "why social is over"
The problems with this article are:
1. Although Microsoft is outdated and largely unimportant to consumers, it is still HUGELY engrained for enterprises/businesses. Think about CBS -- those of you who have an Apple know how disadvantaged you are in many of the classes (particularly those that involve financial modeling) since everyone in banking/consulting was trained on PCs. Finding that one TA who happens to know all the Apple shortcuts can be a challenging feat. Microsoft Research, Microsoft Legal, and Microsoft Finance/Engineering tools will keep Microsoft strong for a long time.
2. HTML5, though great, is at least one year away from being the "game changer" Roger alludes to. Although we (and almost all tech companies) are now using HTML5, and it's awesome, all of the things Roger refers to were possible before (just more difficult). As more people adopt it and it becomes more of the standard it will allow for some really great improvements, but we're far enough away from that happening that a lot of value and money can be created in the mean time.
3. There are still tremendous opportunities in "social" particularly with social graphs that are currently unlit. Obviously I'm biased in thinking that Sportaneous solves one aspect of this problem and provides value in a location-based way...see this article in the Next Web for my perspective: ...but I think dating sites are also "social" companies that provide tons of value and have lots of room for growth.
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