Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Facebook’s New Ad Rating Systems

An article on the WSJ this week reported that Facebook, in an effort to help companies measure the marketing exposure their brands receive on its website, is getting its own rating systems.

Nielson Co. will team up with Facebook to start offering in August a ratings service for marketing campaigns. Web analytics tool ‘ComScore’ has also started offering a new tool that allows big brands to track the number of people who view and interact with their products on the social network. The service can measure the impact of how big companies use Facebook’s fan pages and the “like” button as well as what individuals say on their own pages about specific products and services. On Facebook, advertisers can grab and republish an individual’s comments about a particular product or brand.

A quote within the article describes a new ecosystem of online advertising performance metrics: “As the online advertising market has grown, so has an entirely new set of metrics and lingo.” Charles Buchwalter, Nielson’s president of online campaign ratings was also quoted as saying that “online advertising has grown with a collection of metrics that are completely unique.” With new measurement systems come new economics of evaluating value and performance measures of ad campaigns.

For example, ComScore and Nielson are seeking to rate Facebook on a measurement known as “gross rating points” instead of other more commonly known online metrics. Gross rating points are a traditional advertising metric that multiplies the “reach”, i.e. size of an audience, by the “frequency” with which the audience sees a brand. Facebook is also intending on upgrading its own marketing tool called Insights, providing an analytics system not unlike Google Analytics that allows page owners and developers to access data on how their content is being viewed on the site. Richer analytics tools on social networking sites such as Facebook would better empower online advertisers to evaluate and tailor their ad activity on these platforms.

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