Wednesday, August 03, 2011

iAds Twice as Effective as TV?

After Mondays class I decided to do a little more research on iAds, since I personally have never encountered one despite having tons of apps on my iPhone 4. There was lots of buzz around the concept of these "mobile ads with emotion" when it was first announced over a year ago, but how succesful have the iAds actually been for advertisers?
According to a new Nielsen study, very. The study showed that a Campbell's recent iAD campaign was more effective than its TV campaign by a wide margin. The five week study showed that respondents recalled the Campbell's brand 5x more when shown the iAD vs. the TV ad, and the actual commercial messaging 3x more. Additionally, not only did the respondents report liking the iAd spot better than the TV commercial, but iAd respondents said they were 4x more likely to purchase the product than the TV respondents.
While this may be a good case study Apple can use to persuade skittish advertisers to try out the new platform, I still have my doubts about how effective iAds will actually be in the longrun. I applaud Apple for being first to the market with this concept. But while I can see the ads being novel now that they're still new and unique, as soon as they catch on and consumers are bombarded with them every time they use an app, I think they will loose their cache pretty quickly. How do you feel about getting ads within your apps vs. other forms of mobile advertising? Does it make a difference if the ads are engaging or emotional- or will you be annoyed by them either way?
Click here for more information on the study:

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