Sunday, August 07, 2011

The Planet Zero

As Nissan launches its new electric car, central to its brand positioning is its use of all aspects of digital marketing like mobile web, online gaming, SEO etc. It has launched a new app that allows the owners to check vehicle status (like check charge status) and control elements of the vehicle remotely (like start charging, pre-heat the car etc.).

Along with a website it also launched an online game called ‘The Planet Zero’, aimed at high-school kids. The game allows players to take on an electric plug character that lives on Earth. The character can activate various levels in the game by discovering elements and interacting with icons like wind energy, solar power, and other elements of a zero-emission society. By doing this the company is not only publicizing its new product it is also associating itself with cleaner, greener energy sources. By incorporating all of these ideas in its game and its website it will have a better chance of (a) attracting the online and mobile but green demographic (b) building brand awareness with the next generation.

Source: Nissan Launches Sustainability Site

1 comment:

  1. These new apps that align with the external electronic devices such as cars or even fridges are both very useful as well as cool It is always great to see that these big corporations are able to leverage technology to improve not only the user experience but the environment as well. Lets hope other big companies follow suit and use their R&D budgets to build things that can improve the user experience as well be better for the environment.


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