Sunday, August 07, 2011

Twitting at the Philharmonic

We haven't talked much in class about Digital Marketing and the Arts, but it seems that more and more cultural organization are turning to methods of engaging audiences via the web or allowing the to interact online while experiencing the cultural events.
A great article in today's LA Times "Classical Music Waltzes with Digital Media" discusses the digital marketing initiative of the LA Philharmonic. For an arts organization specializing in classical music, the is not likely to attract young audiences, the LA Phil developed Facebook, Twitter and iPhone apps to try and engage and new kind of audience. It is also important to remember that today in the LA Philharmonic the average concertgoer is in her or his "high 50s". The orchestra is using these new media techniques in hope of changing that. Although it could be interesting to see what happens if the orchestra decides to approach her main audience and encourage them to also engage and participate on Facebook. As some studies show, more and more retirees are using these social networks, therefore it could be an interesting tool for them to also use to further engage their current audience.

1 comment:

  1. Tali- I really like your last point that social media strategy could potentially be an interesting tool to engage older audiences, specifically in the classical music sphere. I have also heard about the studies you refer to that the senior demographic (ages 55+) make up a noticeable portion of social media users. This may be surprising for many, since we have been conditioned to believe that social media is a platform created for and used by an exclusively young demographic. However, I believe it is negligent for marketers to discount this portion of the population when promoting arts and cultural performances and events. Although audience development and expansion is very popular with good reason in the arts industry, it would behoove arts marketers to think broadly when using social media as a marketing tool.


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