Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Growing "Work-from-home" Component in the US workforce

A recent study/survey has confirmed the growing interest in corporate America for supporting employees as they work from home. Surprisingly, a majority of Fortune 500 firms have stated that they plan to increase the number of employees working from home, and more than 56% of decision-makers actually believe that working from home makes workers more productive!

While data is showing strong productivity for many workers as they telecommute, the added benefit is the perceived value that employers are supporting the work-life balance. In the past 10 years, workers in the US have been growing frustrated with companies that push for higher hours, and try to squeeze more and more productivity out of the workforce. Thus, allowing employees to work from home supports the work-life balance, confirming to employees that their firms value the personal lives of workers.

This trend supported more than 26 million workers in the US in 2010, with more working from home in 2011 thus far. The trend is helping companies cut costs, improve efficiency, boost productivity, and encourage morale and employee satisfaction. Hopefully, this trend will continue and become a strong component of the US workforce! For more, visit

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