Sunday, November 06, 2011

Dropbox the next social media?

With the use of Dropbox continually growing, the company founders have future plans "to see little Dropbox buttons everywhere" in 18 months.
Purely from a technological product perspective, the utility of Dropbox' cloud storage capabilities is undeniably useful across any educational, professional, and personal capacity. But as with any technology product, will it have enough staying power to last 3, 5 or 10 years from now?
From a service perspective, the company has an edge that if managed correctly, could be grown into a powerful social media tool. Since files are shared with a distinct group of people, Dropbox has the ability to collect a specific set of information that is precisely relevant to that group of people.
Not knowing what the future may hold solely for cloud storage, there is no doubt that social networking and social media will continue to thrive in some form or another. Having effectively made its presence known and continuing to expand, Dropbox can leverage this market presence and its inherent networking capabilities to catapult it into the social space, and assure its staying power for the future.

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