Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why this blog should be moved to Tumblr?

Given my horrible failure to keep up with this blog, I am going to do what humans always do - blame it on the tool. I suggest that this blog be moved to a more blog-friendly sites like Tumblr (check out personal blog here). I am personally biased towards Tumblr but let's just do a quick comparison on why it should be moved over:

a. Ease of creating a post: Basic user experience (UX) should reduce the barrier to create a post. Blogger does a decent job of creating a txt based blog post, but Tumblr takes the design to a whole new level. Form the dashboard you can create a post of any of the 7 different types and can quickly posts link to content on the other sites.

b. Encourage the people to create their own blogs: I am guessing the goal of the class is to get students to create blogs. With Tumblr, they can all create their own blogs and then follow the class blog that can aggregate their posts. That way, they can continue with their blog posts after the class is done.

c. Built a Klout and get Google cred: With cross posting and commenting on the blogs, Tumblr can help build a social profile but linking Twitter and Disqus adding to one's Klout score.

And on top of everything, Tumblr themes are just beautiful!

If I spend more time I am sure I can come with more but I think this serves the two purposes I wrote the post for.

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