Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Samsung launches Music Hub, offering the ultimate mobile music service

In early May, Samsung Electronics has announced its plan to release a new smartphone, Galaxy S3. In addition to its technical features, Samsung emphasized a new mobile service, Music Hub, which will first be launched in Europe. With aid of mSpot and 7digital, users of Galaxy S3 who have registered for the Music Hub service can customize their music database via the cloud. The users can listen to any kinds of high-quality music they like without regard to location. Specifically, key features of the Music Hub are “Scan & Match Cloud Locker, catalogue of millions of songs, [and customized] radio [program].”

Historically, music industry was a pioneer in technology. For example, the technology moved from CD to MP3, or iPod to iPhone in the past few years. From Samsung’s new approach towards the mobile music market, it is apparent that our generation is moving towards “Advanced Digital Mobile Age”, which can be characterized as the period of providing customized and personalized products to different customers via mobile channels. Consequently, major companies must also go along with this trend, which means that they need to follow “advanced digital mobile” ways to market their products. I currently believe that there are no specific “correct” approaches to formulate and execute digital marketing strategies via the mobile channels. Yet, the following questions can be good guidelines for companies striving to become leaders in the “Advanced Digital Mobile Age”.

1.       How and when should a company approach its potential customers via mobile channels?

2.       Is it possible to utilize current digital marketing concepts (such as that of marketing via displays or banners on webpages) in mobile channels? If so, how?

3.       What kinds of metrics can companies or researchers develop to measure performance of marketing via mobile channels?

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