Thursday, June 28, 2012

Arts Organizations and Social Media Networks

RE:  Article in  Study:  96 Percent of Arts Organizations Are Active On Social Media Networks (

"Arts Organizations, and non-for-profits in general, are crazy not to tap into social networking resources.  They're Free!  And arts organizations like that kind of thing.  It is difficult for these entities to rely solely on traditional marketing efforts to raise money, because the "product" being sold is often times more of an idea or an experience than a commodity.  Selling the arts requires patience, communication, and an on-going dialogue surrounding their appeal and importance.  Toilet paper does not require as much talk.  People network constantly, and whether for business or personal reasons social networking sites are the most effective way to stay "in-the-know".  Think about it:  People update their status daily, often multiple times a day, which means that keeping up in a social network requires constant webpage refreshing.  These changes occur faster and more frequently than do those on websites or blogs.  The latter two change, but maybe weekly or monthly.  Perhaps they change daily, but not at the same frequency as social networks.  Social networks are fundamentally organic, widespread architectural structures that continue to grow and spread over time.  The word gets out a lot faster when disseminated outside of a bureaucratic structure - and sure, all businesses know this and all could benefit from actually adopting this philosophy, but arts organizations, without a doubt, must."


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