The labels of this image may not be completely accurate but the point is still clear, in 2008 the majority of the initial search page (the page that comes up after a Google search without scrolling) is filled with organic search results, and a small part was filled with paid search advertisement. In 2012, that ratio has almost been completely swapped, with the majority of the page filled with paid search ads and only a small part on the bottom showing organic search results.
This image comes from BuzzFeed's FWD tech blog, but has been documented by others throughout the years. Although Google gets its users from good organic search results, but only gets revenues from paid search advertising, so it isn't a surprise that more and more of the page gets filled up by paid ads. Still, is there a point where there is user backlash? Also, has this happened so slowly for any of us to notice? I realize now that I just automatically scroll down until I start seeing the organic search results.
Amazingly, as suggest by the article, even more than searching "pizza" is searching "coffee." For me, I don't get any organic search results without scrolling. I wonder what other search terms would get me results like that.
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