Thursday, June 07, 2012

Google Makes AdMob Mobile Ads Available in AdWords

ADmob is a mobile advertising company acquired by google for 750 in Nov 2009. Now,Google annouced that advertisers will be abe to run campaigns in the AdMob network of more than 300,000 mobile apps.

Admob campains will be added to the regular Adwords dashboard. advertiser can just select " Display Network only (mobile apps)" option and create AdMob campaign. They can target at specific smartphone or tablet models, and even target specific apps.

Without a doubt, mobile advertisement is a huge market. Google seems remaining ahead of market after successfully intergrateing advertisment system among internet, mobile and video. Since the Android phone has overtaken iphone, becoming the lead in the smartphone market, google may further integrate their advertise system into mobile market.

For more details, refering to

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