Thursday, June 14, 2012

I .Love Your Domain Name

Google loves the idea of new domain names, including .Love, so much that they recently spent $18.7 million dollars applying for a slew of new and creative combos to follow the dot in its numerous internet addresses. Companies are scrambling to apply for catchy domain names that complement their businesses, help with branding, or describe their location- Johnson & Johnson applied for .Baby, Microsoft applied for .Doc, New York City’s government applied for .NYC, and Amazon applied for .Smile. Not surprisingly, the domain name in highest demand was .App.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers “Icann” is tasked with reviewing these applications and doling out the new names. “Icann set the application fee high, at $185,000 a name, to try to discourage frivolous bids; still, more than 200 terms are being sought by more than one bidder. Icann decides who gets ownership of the contested top-level domains.” As part of the evaluation, it will also consider conflicts. For example, it will not allow a company other than Amazon to apply for .Amazon.

It is hard to believe that we are running out of .Com capacity, and now with the advent of these branded domain names, will the .Com become a sign of an antiquated website? Or will people even notice, since the majority of us use search engines to find a website?  I think that while many of us won’t know a company’s full internet address, it will be refreshing to see something a bit more expressive than .Com on a business card.

-Danielle Cervelli

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