Sunday, June 17, 2012


According to a report by comScore, Pintrest is the fastest growing social network, and more importantly is the buying power of Pintrest users. While being a presence/"liked" on Facebook or Twitter is important, Pintrest users buy more, and spend more then any of the other social media sites.

For those that are developing a marketing strategy that includes social media, Pintrest should definitely be utilized and incorporated.  To be noted as well, people are more likely to buy items based on the recommendations or likes of their personal connections. I am not fully aware of how to capitalize on the social connections on Pintrest but it is definitely something to explore further.

For further information:


and definitely check this out!!

1 comment:

  1. As Sharon might have rightly explained Pinterest is becoming the new sales tactic. Panasonic's last contest for a Lumix camera is just a mere example. According to an article in, the consumers-electronic company is walking its first steps along the new path and in order to assess how to play in this new world it has partnered with PureWow--an email media company that produces lifestyle content.
    The contest was launched by PureWow to its 750,000 subscribers, mostly women in their 30's and 40's, and was not only intended to understand how to tackle Pinterest, but also to build brand awareness. The contest was a complete success. According to PureWow's CEO, "women are just crazy about Pinterest". 10,000 photos were submitted and 20 pictures were selected and displayed in a couple of websites. The photo, which received more "repins" would win a Lumix camera. Even if Pinterest started as a simple place to share images it might be becoming a powerful media tool for marketers. While last year it was all measured by how many likes one received, is it possible that this year we will use "repins" as the new measure unit? It may...


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