Wednesday, June 06, 2012

The Social Algorithm: Aligning Content With Users (B8699-025)

Marketers are now working closely with computer scientists and the like to identify human patterns based on common elements gathered from users’ input on the online social space.  In Cory Triffiletti’s (2012) The Age of The Algorithm Is About More Than Ads, a social algorithm can tailor and deliver content that will appeal to each user’s preferences.  By shaping specific media experiences that will resonate with each group, marketers and users/consumers can experience a win win.  Advertisers can craft campaigns that will more likely entice a captive audience.  Similarly, users are exposed to messaging and content that will likely appeal to them. 

1.)  Do you think that tailored content based on new models will make the user experience more rewarding?

2.)  Do you think that click through/response rates in the case of banner ads, will increase as a result of the design and delivery of messaging, which are based on social algorithms?

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