Monday, July 30, 2012

Apple Tweeting

Google and Facebook are colossal giants of social media.  Much like the groundbreaking merger of AOL and TimeWarner in 2001, this has left the rest of the industry struggling to figure out how to win a definitive position in the market.  One of the most interesting alliances in discussion is Apple and Twitter.  It’s a natural fit as Twitter is still privately held (but potentially going public next year) and Apple lacks a firm position in the market.  A merger or joint venture between the two would significantly diversity the opportunities of Twitter as Apple has a host of hardware products that could be used to more deeply brand the messaging system.  For example, we could have a “Twitter-pod” - “Siri, please tell my Twitter followers to meet me at Havana Central at 2pm”.  Expect some big hardware/social media announcements in the next 6 to 12 months.

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