Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Apple vs Samsung case is so annoying

In the past years, I've been seeing so many articles, news, blogs, etc regarding so many litigation between Apple and Samsung.

Apple accuse that Samsung copied their iPhone ideas. Which is partly true.

However, in technology world, these kind of copying is a part of doing normal business and I think it is completely appropriate, normal, and unavoidable. Apple also copied the use of mouse and graphical interface from Xerox. Touchscreen phones were existing before the time of iPhone, did you copy it too Apple? As long as these competitors do not copy the code, it should be OK.

If everyone could not copy any function from competitors, we, the consumer will bear the ultimate cost because the phone you would have will be a crippled one as patents of most cool functions were held by different companies.

This is totally different from the case of drugs patents where each molecular structure is distinct, therefore that formula is protected. However, different drugs with same effect could still be market (i.e. painkillers with similar effects, sexual dysfunction drugs) without consider that a patent infringement.

Instead of doing these unproductive litigation which the ultimate winner is those lawyers. Why wont you two trying to compete for market share.

Read: just google 'Apple vs Samsung'

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