Friday, July 27, 2012

Apple's effort in going social

Here it is, just a summer speculation or real intentions?
Apple seems willing to invest in Twitter as reported by business  on Jul. 27:
Apple might invest "hundreds of millions of dollars" in Twitter, (report Evelyn Rusli and Nick Bilton of the New York Times). From the article it seems that the two companies have reportedly held talks in recent months about Apple's making a strategic investment
I think that Apple considers social networks “the next big thing” in which the Company from Cupertino wants to be involved. Apple’s first failure with didn’t discourage them and this time they ar etrying to reach their objective without betting on a new platform but on a successful one.
Meanwhile, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo recently remarked that Twitter has "a truckload of money." A big investment from Apple would presumably increase this to "boatloads."

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