Thursday, July 05, 2012

Approximately 2 weeks ago Facebook announced the introduction of Facebook Exchange. What does this mean for advertisers? Since Facebook’s launch in 2004 their display advertising capabilities have been limited. For most advertisers Facebook’s platform has provided brands with a means to reach a growing audience and a means to disseminate their brand’s message. The Facebook exchange changes all of this, allowing advertisers to more accurately target their customers, specifically those customers, who are looking to purchase or convert. Through the Facebook exchange advertisers can now utilize real time bidding, allowing advertisers to capitalize on “time sensitive advertising.” It seems clear to me that this strategy is a win win for both advertisers and Facebook and perhaps this new announcement will also help to alleviate investors’ worries about the Facebook’s future revenue prospects. The shift of online advertisers from portals to Demand Side Platforms is only increasing and thus the creation of a Facebook exchange is the most natural progression for the social networking site.

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