Saturday, July 21, 2012

AR halts the death of print

Ikea’s new app is awesome! (And, it's not even out yet). But it’s the shift in thinking behind its development that’s really impressive. Just think of all those publishers that said farewell to print, gave a virtual wink to a world addicted to the touchscreen and caved under the pressure of a digital revolution. As a publisher, this must’ve seemed pragmatic. And, to many it still is. However, the switched-on folks over at Ikea and their agency McCann have different thoughts. 

Using Augmented Reality (AR) technology they’ve realized a way to keep their printed catalog alive (since it still has 211 million copies in circulation every year) while making sure its customers (the people that still browse paper catalogs to look at things they like) remain engaged with the Ikea brand and lifestyle using the mobile devices they’ve come to rely on.

Printed pages with digital content that lets a customer experience your physical product in such a media rich mobile setting could really open things up in the publishing world as brands look for better ways to stay relevant, better manage dodgy metrics like view-throughs and ultimately increase conversion rates. Your smartphone and your printed copy of Vogue magazine just became friends!

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