Saturday, July 28, 2012

Attracting foreign customers with online ads

This article lists 10 interesting digital marketing stats that became available this week.   The list includes statistics supporting the following:  (i) search spend keeps rising, (ii) only 20% of email marketing is read by consumers, (iii) mobile tasks are predominately email and search-related and (iv) the e-commerce market is booming in Brazil, among others.   The item on this list that I found most interesting is that the web is not key for overseas trade.  The article states that only 34% of decision makers said that they rank the internet in their top three most effective channels for attracting foreign customers. The majority still considers more traditional marketing channels (i.e. events sponsorship, email marketing and print advertising) as more effective methods. 

Most large companies with international interests have been forced to rely on global markets to increase revenues.  Yet, only 34% of decision makers consider the web a very effective marketing tool.  I would have expected overseas trade to be marketed online much more frequently than the study/article suggests.  Presumably these online ads are not producing the results desired.  I’m wondering why.  The study lists some of the challenges faced by marketers looking to advertise overseas; it also offers tips to overcome these challenges.  It seems to me that the internet should be the first means of advertising when it comes to overseas trade.

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