Thursday, July 26, 2012

B2B Email Marketing

When doing our final project, I did a lot of research on email marketing. Our client is a B2B business focusing on social recommending working apps. I wondered how email marketing works with B to B business.
According to a study by pardot, 30% of B2B marketers are using email marketing as their primary lead generation tactic.
Email is a good way to communicate with its clients and get the clients more involved. What to write in the email and when to send the email are very crucial. Therefore I think it is very important to do trial and error and improve your email strategy time by time. The research by pardot said that among the email test, 58% test is to see what type of content results in the best click-through-rates, 57% test for a correlation between subject lines and open rates and 46% test to see how the time of day effects open rates.
Regarding which days of the week and times of the day perform best, the research reported the following trends: 44% say sending emails on Tuesday results in better open rates, 53% say Friday is the worst day for email open rates and 53% have had the most success sending emails between 8 am and 12 pm. So for the majority, Tuesday morning is the best time to send out the B2B emails.
For the segmentation of email marketing, the research showed that 65% are using targeted messaging, which emails are sent based on how a prospect responds, 51% are using behavioral segmentation and 43% use cross-platform testing.
It seems like people use email marketing in very different way. The important thing for the marketers is to find the best strategy suitable for its own business. 

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