Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bottlenose is the social media dashboard your mother warned you about!

As if you weren’t spending enough time glued to the your social media feeds already, along comes a new service that will have you…well…glued to your social media feeds. But this time, it won’t feel like a front row seat to what Bottlenose CEO Nova Spivak calls the Sharepocalypse–a phenomenon that causes, and is caused by, social overload. This time, were talking about searching for things and getting near real-time well organized updates from Facebook, Twitter and Google+ in an era Spivak hopes will be the next frontier in social networking: social assistance. The company wants to “organize the world’s attention” and why not, we need it. 

This latest attempt at getting the whole social search engine thing right is using a homemade algorithm that will use fancy semantic techniques to figure out what loads of people are paying attention to in real-time. The ‘Now’ page with its trending topics, people and images is not quite the latest illustration of James Surowiecki’s theory on the wisdom of crowds, but it may get close. In any event, this service wants you to ditch Google and use Bottlenose as your default search engine. Not likely, but worth the ask.  

Source: http://venturebeat.com/2012/07/23/bottlenose-social-search/

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