Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Can’t Live With It, Can’t Leave With Out It.

Twitter has become during the last year one of the most common arenas for fans to contact celebrities. Not only are we now able to read a lot more about what they do and what they think, we can also send them messages or tag them in our own posts.  According to a New York article (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/19/fashion/celebrities-are-leaving-twitter.html?_r=1&adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1343041364-iB+dTdpO+0+Oo7SJL53P1Q) Twitter might be becoming too much of a liability for celebrities.
Some time ago, publicists were responsible for protecting them from fans and even from themselves. Yet, how can an agent control every single thing one tweets? Consequently, artists are being recommended to quit it for the sake of their careers. Other artists feel that fans might be too invasive or that negative feedback is too difficult to take in. 
However, even if the list of celebrities that has decided to close their personal accounts is quite extensive, many realize they can’t leave with out it and eventually return. Why coming back? Attention and audience? Maybe….

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