Saturday, July 07, 2012

Facebook to Target Ads Based on App Usage

Would you feel comfortable if someone is tracking apps you are using? While Facebook is criticized about its privacy issues, it is launching a new type of mobile advertising that targets consumers based on the apps they use, pushing the limits of how companies track what people do on their phones.

Both Apple and Google track user’s mobile apps but they approach and targeting differently. Apple would follow what users download from iTunes. Google said it would not target ads based on the data. So neither of them track what people do in their apps to target ads.

Facebook has been under pressure to ramp up revenue through mobile devices. It becomes more aggressive about attracting mobile users and find ways for ads to reach them. But given the privacy concerns, Facebook needs to find a balance point to avoid strong reaction from facebook users. But on the other hand, the number of facebook users continues to grow. it s very difficult for them to leave. Facebook push users to share more, gauge their reaction, and then if their reaction is too strong or too hot, facebook then pull back. Anyway, it seems facebook is searching for all possibilities to monetize information it has on hundreds of millions of users.

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