Monday, July 30, 2012

Google mobile app analystics

Google is bringing its Analytics to mobile apps to help developers to gain greater visibility of their apps’ performance. Mobile App Analytics, the name of the tool, is being released in beta on Friday. The reports are designed to give developers (and the brands they work for) data about who is using the apps, how they’re using it and if that use is leading to purchases. Google admits that the tool is not revolutionary since most of  data are provided by several tools. However, as JiaJing Wang (product manager for the Google Analytics Team) says “Yes, you can get information in different places, but you can’t engage from it and make a determination from it.”
At the moment there is no charge for using the tool. Indeed, according to Wang “We really want to make Mobile App Analytics available and make it helpful for marketers to have the end-to-end information. We wanted to make sure we didn’t only focus on the platform we own to help them make the best decisions.”
Below, a picture illustrating the kind of information available from Mobile App Analytics.

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