Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mobile ad…. Growing faster and faster!

Mobile advertising is growing a vey high pace, according to the WSJ (July 17th) another Crisp Media, a provider delivering rich digital display advertising to mobile devices, has announced the launch of its first-ever mobile-only ad campaign.
In particular, the Company said that “the campaign, using its own ad technology, will raise awareness for both its Crisp Engage ad technology platform and Crisp Premium Media, Crisp's channels of mobile ad inventory. the campaign will run on the mobile platforms of Adweek, a preeminent advertising trade publication, and Business Insider, one of the foremost publications covering business, financial and technology news. The rich ads allow viewers to access Crisp's ad showcase, and include a real-time analytics component enabling viewers to see metrics associated with the viewer's own session within the ad, demonstrating Crisp's engagement analytics capabilities.”
I think that Crisp’s case is an another case which shows the power and the future potential of the mobile ad platform

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