Monday, July 09, 2012

Mobile advertising - the new advertising frontier

Mobile phones are significantly changes our lives and the way we communicate and interact with the world around us. This morning an article on the, describes “10 Ways Mobile Phones Have Changed Our Lives” ( Among the insightful observations I read in the article I have been impressed by the following findings that I believe could really stimulate undiscovered new business opportunities:

...By analyzing changes in movement and communication patterns, researchers could also detect flu symptoms before the students themselves realized they were getting sick...
"We have always thought of individuals as being unpredictable," said Johan Bollen, an expert in complex networks at Indiana University. "These regularities [in behavior] allow systems to learn much more about us as individuals than we would care for."
...After analyzing more than 16 million records of call date, time and position, the researchers determined that, taken together, people's movements appeared to follow a mathematical pattern. The scientists said that, with enough information about past movements, they could forecast someone's future whereabouts with 93.6% accuracy.
The pattern held true whether people stayed close to home or traveled widely, and wasn't affected by the phone user's age or gender.”
 As suggested from the article, I really think that there I a huge opportunity laying underneath the possibility to not only monitor where people is heading in a specific moment but also predicting with a very high precision where people would more likely to hangout in the near future.
In this way, mobile advertising could be always more efficient since this will create always more value to all the actors: marketers, customers, and advertising agencies

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