Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Solomoga- Come Again?

If anyone has  bought or experienced Nike Fuel, you are now part of the solomoga craze:  services that take combine social, location, mobile and gaming aspects.,fuelband&cp=USNS_KW_0611081618

Several companies have tried in the past to launch personal fitness trackers, but Nike has capitalized on combining mobile fitness with the competitive aspects of social gaming that seems to be attracting critical mass.
The Fuel band contains an accelerator that measures your motion all day long and records the data, which can be uploaded via USB hookup or Bluetooth pairing with mobile phones.
As mentioned, what makes the Nike Fuel experience different is the gaming aspect.  You can set your own goals, but also compete with friends to see who can reach “green” (goal attained) most days in a row, for instance.  The service is adaptive and intelligent, suggesting “next moves” that will help you reach your daily goal, or encouraging you to increase your goals along the way.  The service also archives all of your activity data so that you can see what time of day you are most active, and even keep notes about how you felt during the activities.  You can see daily, weekly, and monthly data to break down your habits and design more efficient workouts.

It seems that online search and social sites are not the only ones to figure out that owning user data is the gateway to enable digital marketing.  I will be watching Nike Fuel to see whether the service begins to suggest any affiliate products (because of course Nike products are already being referred) and whether the website can capture more user click-throughs and conversions.  If only the service made the working out easier too.....

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