Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Business of Social Content Curation

The Business of Social Content Curation 

The social curating summit focuses on the visual nature of social networks and the variety of content depicted in these networks.  It is interesting to me that although pictures and any sort of visual representation are key motivators in social network engagement, search engines cannot track images; only text.  I am still a bit fuzzy on the technical workings behind search algorithms, but I know that they run on text identifiers and that .pdf or .jpg or the like cannot be tracked, linked or shared through any other means other than through text associated with them.  There exists a fundamental conflict here it seems.  At least in terms of the people who want as much control over their posts.  These people will have to learn how to create their own websites and dictate the text associated with their video and pictures.  Assuming they want more control over their material.

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