Monday, July 30, 2012

The digital divide still exists…

On Saturday night, I was at a house party in Brooklyn.  I ran into a good friend of mine who is an African American doctor.  She’s currently dating a slightly younger guy who is not as well educated as she.  When I asked how things were between them, she mentioned that they were watching the news a few weeks ago and she didn’t know who Steve Jobs was.  She was a becoming a deal breaker for her.  (I assume she doesn’t have to worry about him finding this blog – LOL!)

It got me thinking (as I channel my Carrie Bradshaw voice) – Are we still experiencing a digital divide in the access of information resources?  I decided to search online and found the report below released earlier this year.  It shows that though more adults are actively accessing the internet than a decade ago, there is a correlation between frequency of access and disparities among ethnicity, income, and education.  Not surprising, White, college-educated men are the largest users of the Internet.  So, for those of you who don’t think there is work to be done in educating the disadvantaged, please note that there is still tons to do.  Furthermore, it means that marketers are missing data on many core consumers.

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